Ecology at Corhampton

The club prides itself on the work we are doing to promote wildlife on our property...

...our success is reflected in the awards we have gained in recent years.

GEO Certification

Golf's most comprehensive and widely regarded sustainability distinction.

GEO Certified® is a comprehensive modern certification, developed specifically for three key areas of the industry: golf facility operations, golf development and renovation, and golf tournaments. The distinction shows that we have met a credible standard across nature, resources, climate action and community.
We are proud of our work and excited about our ongoing sustainability leadership.

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Operation Pollinator

Corhampton first won the Golf Environmental Award in the category 'Operation Pollinator' in 2019 and made the national finals in 2022.

In 2023 they chalked up the award for the second time. The Syngenta Operation Pollinator Award celebrates golf clubs that establish and manage areas of pollen and nectar-rich wildflower habitats, creating essential food and nesting resources for pollinators, including native bees, butterflies and insects. Judges were impressed by our long-term transformation of chalk scrapes into butterfly habitats, including the rare Small Blue, which has established a thriving population on the downland course.

Corhampton GC will receive an additional grant as part of this award to help fund new ecological and environmental projects and will be entered into the Foundation Award in Amenity Horticulture Course


Corhampton being a chalk downland course, a number of large chalk scrapes have recently been created on the estate and planted with Kidney Vetch to encourage the Small Blue butterfly into this part of Hampshire. This initiative has been a huge success as this previously rarely seen butterfly, which lays its eggs on the vetch, is now well established on the course.

A small group of members who are ecology enthusiasts take part in butterfly transect walks every month from April to September and all sightings are recorded and sent to Hampshire Butterfly Conservation.

Over the year, many different species have been recorded on the course, including Silver Washed and Dark Green Fritilleries, Marbled Whites, Clouded Yellows, Red Admirals, Painted Ladies and the Small, Common and Holly Blues to name but a few.

Birds on the Course

This year 36 species have been recorded on the course, including a barn owl searching for small rodents over the fields. Raptor sightings, including Red Kite, Buzzard and Kestrel sightings are another constant and the hammering of our Great Spotted Woodpecker pair echoes across the course.

There are small birds aplenty too. Our pied wagtails seem almost tame as they seach for small prey on our practice green and you may well get scolded by robins whilst recovering your ball from a hawthorn bush.

Our resident hares (and other four-legged friends)

Our resident hares can often be seen popping their heads up to view and appreciate the better drives or, more in panic, scampering off when errant shots hurtle towards them.

The course also plays host to many other mammals - deer are frequently spotted racing across the fairways (especially on the four 'back holes'). Weasles, squirrels (grey, not red, sadly) and badgers to name but a few.